Capricorn Mutual
Your insurance alternative, operating solely for the benefit of its members
Capricorn Mutual Limited (CML) (ACN 104 601 194) was formed in 2003 exclusively for members of Capricorn Society, offering a commercially feasible alternative to insurance. A mutual is an association of people with common risks or goals who pool financial resources to meet common financial obligations. Mutuals have a long and proud history in many countries and continue to grow in popularity today due to their ability to provide significant benefits and savings.
CML is a discretionary mutual and unlike an insurance company, operates as a non-profit entity solely for the benefit of its members. As a discretionary mutual, the CML Board exercise a number of discretions including membership admittance, scope of protections and claims decisions. CML holds an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL 230038) and is regulated as a financial services provider by the Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC).
CML has appointed Capricorn Mutual Management Pty Ltd (CMM)(ACN 129 143 479)(CAR 324456) as a corporate authorised representative to manage its operations including administrative services.
CML has appointed Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (CRS)(ACN 111 632 789)(CAR 460893) as a corporate authorised representative to provide financial services on its behalf relating to sales promotion, distribution and servicing of protection. To read more about Capricorn Risk Services, please click here.
Specialist Products for your business
As a non-profit mutual established to provide Capricorn Society members and their associates a competitive alternative to insurance, Capricorn Mutual offers market leading protections tailored to the Motor Trades industry.
Exclusively for Capricorn Members, who can also earn 1.5 rewards points for every dollar spent on Capricorn Mutual products through their Capricorn account.
Business protections include
- Business Buildings
- Business Contents
- Burglary
- Money
- Engineering
- Business Interruption
- General Property
- Goods in Transit
- Public & Products Liability
- Professional Protection
- Legal Expenses
- Tax Audit
- Commercial Vehicles
- Customer Vehicles
- Stock Vehicles
Personal protections include
- Home Buildings
- Home Contents
- Private Motor Vehicles
2023 Capricorn Mutual Limited Annual General Meeting
Date: Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Time: 9:30am AWST | 12.30 pm AEDT | 2:30pm NZDT
Location: Virtually and in person at Level 6, 275 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Notice of Meeting
If you have any questions, please contact